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4 to 5 years of age

Our Pre-K program provides care and education for children ages four to five years old. In our Pre-K program, your child will embark on a journey of learning and exploration. The Creative Curriculum® at our locations is purposefully constructed to provide your child with a variety of academic experiences promoting problem-solving abilities, persistence, and a passion for lifelong learning.

Our highly trained teachers modify educational experiences based on children’s interests, and strengths, while recognizing each child as an individual. Our teachers track your child’s progress and development using our assessment system.  Teachers use this information to share your child’s growth during parent / teacher conferences. Through our parent communication app, Procare Connect, you will receive daily updates on your child’s day including their meals, naps, and much more.

Our Pre-K Program Includes:
  • Teachers who encourage children to reach developmental and academic milestones
  • Curriculum that fosters kindergarten readiness skills
  • A balanced approach of independent, teacher-directed, and small-group activities that promote investigation, exploration, and discovery
  • Curriculum that supports STEM learning experiences
  • Opportunities to solve problems and make decision while foster confidence
  • Teaching strategies that adapt to each child and incorporate their strength and interests
  • Learning centers that encourage language and early literacy, fine and gross motor skills, math, art, dramatic play, science, and outdoor exploration
  • We provide warm, loving, welcoming and supportive atmospheres for children of all backgrounds, abilities, and experiences

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